CanAdapt is a collaboration between Resilience by Design Lab at Royal Roads University and the Climate Risk Institute. The groundwork has been laid to create a not-for-profit corporation designed to amplify and simplify public and private sector involvement in climate-informed workforce development through a Canadian Climate Adaptation Digital Portal that connects climate-action related education and training “suppliers” with the needs of consumers (e.g., organizations, and individuals). CanAdaptwill help sustain and build the momentum needed to drive climate resiliency leadership and practice across sectors and professions in Canada and abroad.
CanAdapt builds on previous successes of these partners to:
- Extend Adaptation Learning Network Portal for showcasing and marketing climate-focused courses, micro-credentials and academic programs from over 200 post-secondary institutions and training organizations in Canada;
- Facilitate professional communities via Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Community of Practice (CCACoP) and subcommunities, to support and facilitate multiple professions, sectors and associations in furthering collaborative climate action;
- Provide a resource knowledge base in support of these professional communities; and
- Offer services such as skills gap analysis, using tools such as the Climate Adaptation Competency Framework, and provision of professional credentialing (e.g. through Engineers Canada).
The Adaptation Learning Network (ALN), a ResiliencebyDesign (RbD) Lab project, built a strong member base and adaptation community over the last three years as part of their Adaptation Learning Network (ALN) project. In forming CanAdapt, CRI and RbD merge the ALN training and micro-credentialling content with training program content and updated Climate Change Adaptation Community of Practice (CCACoP) resources and functions to support multiple professions, sectors, and associations in furthering collaborative climate action. The CanAdapt team is currently focused on securing funding to advance to Stage One operations in 2023.
Resilience By Design Lab, RRU and Climate Risk Institute