Words into Action Guidelines: Engaging Children & Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience Building

The Resilience by Design Research Innovation Lab is pleased to announce the launch of a new set of guidelines from The United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR): Words into Action Guidelines: Engaging Children and Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building. RbD member Dr. Tamara Plush served as Report Coordinator and Lead Writer of the report, which includes contributions from experts across the field of Distaster Risk Reduction, including RbD Lab Director, Dr. Robin S. Cox.

On the relevance of these guidelines to action in the midst of COVID-19, Dr. Plush notes that although the guide focuses on natural hazards, “many of the lessons in the guide on how to include children and youth in reducing risk and building resilience connect directly to COVID-19 response and action. The guide highlights not only the importance of child and youth rights, but also the benefit of engaging children and youth as agents of change in communication, innovation, idea generation, and peer and society education and support.”

Download the full report and access over 300 related resources here.